Thursday 24 March 2011


This sculpture used the tubes I was playing around with in the earlier photos. I trailed many ways to put them together. I found fixing two screws at each join worked as enabled me to keep the circle end. I think it does have a venerability to it. It has a sense that it could fall at any moment. I like the temporality of the work.

More Chance Stick Sculptures

I started playing around with large cardboard tubes. The randomness of the way the tubes fell reminded me of pick up sticks or children games. This was further enhanced by the bright colours.

IMT Gallery

Went to see the IMT Gallery in east London in February. I was really inspired by Amy Stephens' work, cutting corners it reminded me of the circuits drawings. I liked how the lines in the works weren't always level of perpendicular. It had elements of instability despite actually being very secure, this is something that I hope to achieve my own sculptures.

The geometric images by Ian monroe create interesting 2D spaces. These works are made of collaged vinyl this creates an clinical, shiny feel to the pieces. This therefore clarifies his ambition to put across systems of order. Due to the material it also gives a sense of the futuristic or a fantasy place. This is made more clear by the use of bright orange colours that are very unnatural. His images are very graphical and in his earlier work he explored using txt to create his shapes. If you follow the link to his website, you'll be able to access his 2008 work, Installation shot of Everything, in this piece the 2D becomes 3D seamlessly. I like how this is done may consider trying to combine 2D and 3D elements in my own practice.

I have arranged the sculptures I have made so far in my studio space.

Acetate Pieces

The change of colour as the different coloured pieces cross over works well. These would be excellent in translucent acrylic, using this would enable me to create a similar piece but larger scale.

Capturing Moments

The tension created by having this sculpture coming from the wall is really effective. I like how the material makes the piece look so delicate. The way gravity pulls the piece down it gives the impression you have caught the moment just before it collapses. This idea of capturing a fleeting moment is something I only realised after analysing it afterwards.

Initial Sculpture

This is the first sculpture I made; taking influence from the drawings where I coloured in the gaps of the photocopied circuit drawing.

I then made similar sculptures to these using different colours and bases. The next few posts are these trail sculptures.

I also looked into using acetate due to its translucent qualities.

Gridded Drawings

I photocopied the drawing above so I could explore different ways of drawing with it.

Synapse and Spaces

I started exploring how thought and how ideas are formed in the brain. Looking at things like the synaptic gaps and neurone networks. This lead to my initial small drawings exploring ways to present these circuits and networks.

These sketchs were to be used as ideas for larger scale sculptures. To get the drawings more regimented I wanted to develop them on gridded paper.